Magic Adventure 10

I was so busy, so I had no time to make these anymore. Here's part 10 of the Magic Adventure series. It's extra long to make up for my time being gone. I hope you will all enjoy it! Please comment and rate!

Quick recap: Your whole party has come to a dreadful land. Verras brough you a ruby, and by use of magic, her size increased. Naris and Veldaro were kidnapped, and you found them in the tunnels. Now, you are going to search for anything that could let them out of the chambers.

Created by: Skydragon
  1. As you roam the halls, Verras stays near you. She has her head low, and her wings folded against her sides, for otherwise she wouldn't fit.
  2. You hear sounds, way down the tunnel. You pull out your sword, and walk on. Then, your light falls upon a snake, whose head is in height as high as you yourself.
  3. The snake is lime green, and has yellow eyes. It looks at you, and hisses. You stand there, with your sword ready. Verras stands by.
  4. Verras flies forward, and you get pushed aside, as she thrusts herself at the snake, and cuts her claw through one of its eyes. The snake is maddened with rage, and begins to bite about.
  5. You hack your sword into the snake's other eye, while Verras lets out a bright stream of bright red fire. The snake roars, and it sounds like a dragon....
  6. "Kill it!" you hear Verras yell in your thoughts. She has hooked all of her claws into the snake's head, who is thrusting himself around wildly. Without hesitation, you jump forward, and stab down your sword into the snake's forehead.
  7. The snake screams loudly: a painful shrill. You jump back, as does Verras. The snake's eyes close, and it sinks onto the floor. It's whole being dissolves, and nothing of it is left.
  8. You walk on, and you find a door to your right. You open the door, and surprisingly, it is not locked. You look around. The walls are coated with a warm red color, and a table is pushed against the wall opposite the door. Upon the table, are three pots. Before them, is a scroll, and on the wall behind them, is a riddle.
  9. You walk up to the table, and look at the riddle first. It reads: "I am silver, I am round. During day, I am not found. I dance upon water, though I never sink, nor can I be touched. In the night you see me, only not always in the same shape. What am I?"
  10. You look at the pots. They are about a foot high. There are three, and they each have a word on them. One reads moon, the other ice, and the last reflection.
  11. "These are answers for the riddle. Which do you think it is?" Verras says to you.
  12. "Let's think. I am round." Verras egins, while walking towards the wall, and studying the riddle.
  13. "And it is silver," Verras goes on.
  14. "During day I can not be found." Verras adds.
  15. "I dance upon water, though I never sink, nor can I be touched." Verras concludes.
  16. "In the night you may see me, but not always in the same shape." Verras says.
  17. "So, what do we choose?" Verras asks, and looks at you. You shrug, unsure of your answer. "All in all, I exclude Ice." Verras adds.
  18. You think. "The moon." you say with confidence. Verras looks at you, and considers the riddle and answer. "Clever." she says, and nods her agreement.
  19. You look at the scroll, and read it. It tells you to smash the pot with the answer written on it. If you choose wrong, death will come to you.
  20. Without hesitation, Verras thrusts her tail out. She shatters the pot saying moon, and you notice a shiny thing within the broken pieces.
  21. You pick up the shiny thing, while Verras gazes over your shoulder. It's a key. "To Naris's door." Verras says.
  22. You rush out the chamber, and back down the halls that you came from. You see the faint light in the distance, and you reach the locked door. The key belongs to it, and you unlcok the door.
  23. You quickly tell Naris what happened. You then both head out.
  24. That's it! I hope you liked it, and this is the longest that I have done so far! Please comment and rate!

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