Life Without Luna! ToT ~part 1~

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Hello people! Right, this is like a diary! This is real things, happen to a real person, me! I'm Jess, and my best friend, Luna, is going on a school trip to Germany, and leaving me behind! ToT! So, Luna, this is what i got up to!

P.S. I have used nicknames for all of the characters. Luna, I've put letter in () after every name. You can guess the real names. If you can't, phone me! :D

Created by: storyqueen

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  1. DAY- 15th October, 2011... TIME- 14:08....Dear Luna. WHY ARE YOU LEAVING? WHY DO YOU WANT TO GO TO GERMANY? GERMANY FEELS MILES AND MILES AWAY!!!!!! Oh wait, it is as well! ToT! You choice a school trip over your BFF! Well, i guess i can live! I am sat here, at my dad's house, on my laptop, keeping you informed on what life is like without you. What? Don't say that! (Luna, i know what you said. You said, 'But Jess, I'm still in Wales. I'm leaving tomorrow!') Well, i know, but i won't be able to see you today! ToT! Well, while you prance off to Germany with your boyfriend, Alex (A), and have FUN with him, and... Wait, there is two problems with that... 1, he's not your boyfriend, you just wish he was. (:P) 2, you're both only 13! (:P) OK, I'm 13 as well, but at least i'm older than you! (:P) (LUNA: Enouth with the :P's Jess!) (ME: SORRY!!) Anyway, I hate you for ditching me! I'm going to be stuck here with Kat(K), Delta(D) and Tracy(T)!!!! They're good friends, but what will life be like without you? I think i'm going to go an kill myself!
  2. TIME- 14:15......... I didn't kill myself after all! I mean, you're only going for a week! We'll be able to see each other in the half term! I've just go to survive a whole week in school without someone to copy their answers, talk to, spread secrets about, and hit! Oh, wait, that's the other way around about the hitting. I'M GONNA MISS THE WAY YOU HIT ME FOR BEING AN ASS!!!!!!!!!!!! ToT How dare you! Do you know how this make me feel? You're leaving me, alone, with three great friends, and a load of boys, and...... :/ :) >:D JESS+BOYS=< 3? (LUNA: No chance Jess!) Well, good luck with you and Alex! You're not even aloud in his room! (:P) (LUNA: I said not to do that!) Sorry! Anyway, i better tell you what i'm doing, apart from shouting at you. I'm sat in my dad's living room, watching Liverpool (THE BEST TEAM IN THE WORLD!) (LUNA: No, Arsenal is!)vs Man U (The scum!) (LUNA: Don't be disrepectable! Though they are!) on the TV, and it's football, if you didn't guess. So far, like i knew was going to happen, Liverpool are winning 1-0! :D Also, i'm listening to Delta Goodrem, Extraordanary day, or repeate, and it is NOT annyoing me! It's my favourite song! Anyway, i need to go and help dad!
  3. TIME- 14:25.......... OHMIGOD! 1-1! MAN U won a goal! There's only ten minutes to go before the end! HURRY UP LIVERPOOL! (LUNA: :P I told you Liverpool were rubbish!) Ok, off the subject of Football, and onto music. I've changed the song, because i was getting bored.... Ok, Luna, you will love this. You know the guy in our class, Roy(R), the one you think that i should go out with, well, he lives on the same street i'm at now! I know! I', trying to find out which house he lives at, just because i want to know, but i'm failing. :( Nevermind! Anyway, i'm kinda bored, just talking to you. Don't get me wrong, i think this is great, and you're great, but i'm bored. There is nothing to write about! Do you know what, i'll tell you more tomorrow! BYE BYE!!!!!
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