Leven Thumps Quiz! What Critter in Foo Are You?

Obert Skye is a creative genius. A style like his has never been seen before his Leven Thumps series made its debut. Be honest--had you ever heard of nits, offings, or sycophants before you read these? At least, not in that context, anyway. Didn't think so.

Have you ever wondered what you would be if Fate suddenly snatched you into Foo? Would you be a nit, one of the noble dream enhancers? Or perhaps a rare and powerful offing with the ability to see and manipulate the future? Here's your chance to find out in this unFOOgettable quiz!

Created by: I is a rant
  1. What do people describe you as?
  2. Are you a hypochondriac? In other words, are you so easily influenced that whenever you hear/read about a disease, you immediately start exhibiting symptoms of said disease?
  3. Which Leven Thumps character do you feel the most sorry for?
  4. What is your goal in life?
  5. If you were suddenly snatched into Reality from Foo, what would your reaction be?
  6. What is your opinon of Geth?
  7. What color are your eyes?
  8. What did you think of this quiz?
  9. Who is your favorite Jeff Dunham character?
  10. Ok, one more--do you think I need to shut up now?

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Quiz topic: Leven Thumps Quiz! What Critter in Foo am I?