I had a dream (story)

This is a story about a girl called Rose, (I think) She is in a car crash and when you wakes she is a vampire. Also living with 1 vampire 1 angle and 1 Wearwolf

The Wearwolf is called Brad. Who is Brown hair and misty purple eyes. The vampires is called Chris. He has black hair and blackish blue eyes. The angle is called Nav. He has blond hair Ns ocean blue eyes

Created by: Singin234
  1. I just finshed school forever, but I still have a writing course. I want to be an author, o good one too. I am driving home, then the car spins out of control. It knocks into another car, I don't have time to scream. I was so scared and then I bump my head. All I see is darkness...
  2. I wake up dizzy, my head hurts. I open my eyes, I am on a bed. I look at myself in a mirror, somehow I have no blood on me. I see some faces I have never seen before. Where am I? One of the first guys I see has brown  hair and misty-purple eyes.  He smiles and show white teeth "Hey I am Brad" He tells me, I move back. Who are these people? How am I alive? I turn to anther guy who has blond hair and ocean blue eyes. His teeth are whiter than Brads "Hey I am Nav" He tells me, I hug my knees. I turn my head again to the last guy, he had black hair and blackish-blue eyes. They were all hot but they scared me, Brad cleared his thoat "What's your name?" He asked. He didn't know? "Rose" I tell him in a whisper. Chris puts his hand out to touch my arm, I smack it away. My thoat is dry but instead of wanting water I want blood. It scares me but I can sense that Chris is a vampire, Brad is a Wearwolf and Nav is an angle. I reach out for Chris neck and start drinking. I hear Chris whisper "Sorry for bringing you into this world" I keep drinking until i know if I drink anymore he will die. I look up at Chris, I can feel his blood running down from my lips to my chin. I wipe it away "What have you done to me?" I ask him. He bows his head in shame "Have a shower and get dressed. After meet us down stairs" I have a shower and get dressed into a black min skirt with stockings. Black shoes, A long purple top, A necklace with a love heart and my hair into a ponytail. It is winter but not like I feel the cold, it just looks good. I walk downstairs to the boys. I hug my arms nervously  "What am I?" I ask them. I sit down on the edge of the couch and they start talking
  3. î‘„Nav starts "Well your a vampire" Nav tells me as if I would not know.  I was about to say 'I know' when Chris said "Well your still half human, In day light your Human but at night..." He trailed off "Why am I a vampire now?" I asked, I didn't understand. Who would? Brad hadn't said anything "If you kill a human in the next 24 hours you are evil. But if you don't kill you stay human at day but still have vampire at night" He tells me. I feel like crying "How did you find me?" I ask almost busting into tears, Chris put his hand on my arm "Well we found you under your car about to die! So I bit you" I feel tears running down my face, why? Why me? O don't want to ask any more questions "What do I do now?" I ask wiping away my tears. They half smile "You stay inside" Nav tells me "You are always with one of us" Chris tells me "You never go into rooms without us, back to rule two. You are always with one o us. Just for the next 24 hours" that really didn't answer my question "I'll be with her tonight" Chris told us all. They kept talking about plans,  it boring "Well who is with me now?" I ask tapping my foot, anger rose in me "Oh no stage two: Anger. The first was confusion" Chris told them (me: Ha sorry about  this. I am making up all these things but it's SOOO fun!! Back to the story) Bard took my arm "Come on My lady" brad said grabbing a bit of paper from Chris. We walks up stairs to my room. I sat on my bed my anger going and I started crying. Brad looked at the bit of paper and muttered "Oh great, this is going to be a long"
  4. I hugged Brad crying "Why am I here. I want to write a book and be with my family. But at some level I want to be here" Brad Is strong but not really really really strong. I look t my toes my thinking changes. I want to hunt, be powerful "Brad whats going on now" Brad looks t the bit of Paper and pins me now on the bed "Wanting power" Something in my says 'Kill, Kill" But another says 'Dont, don't" It is driving me crazy ! My eyes close and I fall sleep. =Future seeing= I am walking around in a forest. I have a black just above knee length dress. I have my love heart necklace on and slip on black shoes. I hear a twig snap and I starting running. =Wake= It's early afternoon, Brad is watching me "Hey, how long did I sleep?" I ask, he i gores me "I'll show you the garden" "But you said I am not aloud of the house" Brad smiles. We walk down a long hall until we get to a green door. He opens it and I see all these flowers. There is track out of stone that leads to a seat. We walk to the seat and sit down. The flowers were so pretty () Then the seat turns around and we see the most wonderful view. The suns not behind a cloud and the rest of the sky should be  dark grey but the sun makes it look light grey. The sun shines on some trees in the distant and makes them look like a bight green. It was like in a drawn tv show but more real. I smile "It's-" I don't Say the rest but lean on Brads shoulder
  5. I am going to end it there! But please comment okay! It will help me make more, anyway I am going to make more! So please comment and rate or just comment! Sorry to ask you but if I don't no one comments
  6. Do you want another one
  7. Do you want another one
  8. Do you think this has a happy ending?
  9. I hope you have a good day
  10. Bye

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