How would you break up with someone?

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hey we all been through the breaks up. and if not two things one you will and two lucky b------s. some of us takes it hard while others are the source of the pain. in the end in every relationship there is the dumper or dumpee.

so how would your bliss end? will you receive the words let's break up or say them yourself. bring the tears or inflict? break the heart or be broken? are you the dumper or dumpee

Created by: teendetectivekc
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. The following questions are would you rather. Try to answer them. Would you rather be the leader or follower?
  2. Would you rather receive a present or give the present?
  3. Would you rather kiss or hug your partner?
  4. Would you rather let your partner meet your family or their family?
  5. Would you rather have talk or listen?
  6. would you rather hang out with friends or go on dates?
  7. Would you rather have sex or cuddle?
  8. Would you rather display your affection publicly or keep it private?
  9. The next series of questions is situations. Your best friend, and your partner are hanging from a cliff. You can only save one.Who would you save?
  10. You are a virgin and your partner is pressuring you about sex. On the special day you make up a lame excuse to bail. Your partner saw through it. What do you do?
  11. Your friend has a crush on your partner. He/ she asks you to allow them to go on one date. What do you do?
  12. You heard rumors that your partner is cheating on you. What do you do?
  13. Turns out the rumors were false...
  14. You and your partner are thinking of taking it to the next step. That is...
  15. Last questions are just interrogations. (No effect on score) Are you in a relationship?
  16. If you replied yes to the previous question what type of relationship? (no effect on score)
  17. Who wears the pants in the relationship?
  18. so you're in this dream, about a dream, inside another man's dream ,dreaming about a dream
  19. Okay end of quiz!

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