how well do you know THE RANGERS?

ITS THE RANGERSSSS BAYYYYBEHHHHHH! every hear of The Rangers??? think you know them??? well take this quiz and find out just how much you know about them! :)

are you a trueee RANGER fan?! are you sure about that?! do you have the right knowledge and information to actually qualify youself as a fan??? well just take this quiz & find out! :)

Created by: kendra! :)
  1. who are The Rangers???
  2. what were they formally known as?
  3. what is theyre first album called?
  4. Where do they live?
  5. what type of dance do they do?
  6. who is a former ranger?
  7. who is thir manager?
  8. who is the oldest?
  9. which three birthdays are a day after each others in order?
  10. whats their youtube account?
  11. who are the rangers 'sister(s)'

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Quiz topic: How well do I know THE RANGERS?