What Special Ops gun are you?

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Have you ever wondered, "If i were a gun what gun would i be?" or thought "I'm the toughest and biggest guy ever. Nothing can beat me." But there are many guns to compare you to. for instance, i'm the revolver, Uzi, and the PSD. So let's pick Sec Ops guns

Narrowing it down, Special operation guns are very great guns. So what are you? Don't just think i don't really care, because as SEALs, Rangers, and Green berets pick their guns, you will already know your gun compatability.

Created by: mike
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you were being picked on, what would you do?
  2. athletic wise, how are you?
  3. how tall or short are you?
  4. are you good at learning and can easilly do a good job?
  5. If someone told you a secret, can they trust you?
  6. what area do like living in?
  7. How are yo with love? Be honest!!!!
  8. If you could get one wish, what would it be?
  9. Are you small or Muscular
  10. Are you popular?
  11. what's your favorite food?
  12. if you were invisible, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: What Special Ops gun am I?