How well do you know Spongebob Squarepants

There are few people who pay attention while watching spongebob and i am one of them would you like to test your spongebob knowledge. Well shall we continue to the quiz

hey you just go on to my quiz i mean seriously what's the point of this paragraph because i don't get it why you would wait and take time for this i mean seriously........just go....

Created by: unicorn
  1. what are the two names used by sandy while sleeping in her treehouse.
  2. what do patrick and spongebob sell to become rich and fancy after seeing squidwards magazine
  3. what ends up in the punchbowl at spongebob's house party
  4. what form of money activated plankton's metal mr krab suit to self distruct
  5. what year was the first season of spongebob made
  6. what does squidward give the first little girl on the christmas episode
  7. who sings the fun song together
  8. HOW was THE quiz
  9. the u in fun stands for
  10. choose a number

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Spongebob Squarepants