how well do you know mlp

There are many people who like mlp, but this test shows how much you REALLY know about it. Mlp is quite fun to watch but it may not be for everyone. What is mlp?Well if you do not know maybe this test can give you a few pointers.

How much do you really know about mlp?This test will show you how much you know about it and if you really like mlp than it will be like a review for you.Try this quiz and see how much you really know about mlp!

Created by: 81518195love
  1. What does mlp stand for?
  2. what are bronies and pegasisters
  3. What is Rainbow Dash's cutie mark
  4. What is a cutie mark?
  5. Who is Pinkie Pie?
  6. Something is about to fall,but you already know.Who told you?
  7. You see an ugly dress in the store and you walk past it.Later as you are leaving you hear a scream. Somepony is standing in front of it with a look of horror on her face.Who is it?
  8. A rabbit runs by with an apple in it's mouth.Who is chasing it?
  9. What is the name of the schoolteacher?
  10. Oh you pesky puppies!Who says that ALOT?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know mlp