Do you really know Arrow?

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There are many people who watch movies and shows. But not all really get what it is about and the meaning of it. This test lets you know how well you Arrow.

Do you consider yourselft as a true fan of Arrow? Well... this test lets you know how well you know the show and how close you are to doing so. The test is easy and simple.

Created by: Rose
  1. What color is arrow's hood?
  2. Who is the Arrow?
  3. What is the Arrow's purpose?
  4. How did Felicity find out who the Arrow was?
  5. Ran out of questions ignore this
  6. Choose first answer
  7. loll hand choose first answer
  8. How did Oliver get the scars on his body?
  9. Where is the Arrow's safe place located?
  10. last question... DID YOU LIKE IT.? K BYE... P.S. YOU BETTER SAY YES

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Quiz topic: Do I really know Arrow?