Which Arrow character are you?

There are a LOT of people out there who Love the Arrow, I am one of them, you should be too. Take this quiz to find out which Arrow character you would be:)

Do you have what it takes to be the Arrow? find out in this quiz :) that's all I want to say but there had to be at least one hundred and fifty characters in this paragraph. there we go :)

Created by: Mackenzie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How are your fighting skills?
  2. How are your computer skills?
  3. Can you shoot a bow and arrow?
  4. HAIR!!!!
  5. Would you look good in a blue dress?
  6. How about the Arrow costume?
  7. Could you survive "alone" on an island?
  8. Do you even watch Arrow? Because you should :)
  9. how many tennis balls does it take to make Ollie mess up?
  10. Do you like Arrow?

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Quiz topic: Which Arrow character am I?