How well do you know me?

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Ok, so this quiz is just to see how well you guys know me! If you score high... you might be stalking me. Please do not be stalking me, that is just weird...

Ok, so this quiz is just to see how well you guys know me! If you score high... you might be stalking me. Please do not be stalking me, that is just weird... o_o

Created by: Beatle Obsessed of The Beatles (official site)
(your link here more info)
  1. My favorite band is:
  2. I am a-
  3. My favorite Beatle is-
  4. My favorite color is-
  5. My favorite Beatles song is-
  6. True or False: I have a boyfriend.
  7. True or False: I have a boyfriend.
  8. How many siblings do I have?
  9. True or False: I like the Rolling Stones better than the Beatles.
  10. True or False: I like the Rolling Stones better than the Beatles.
  11. What grade did I read Harry Potter?
  12. What grade did I read Harry Potter?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know me?