How Well Do You Know H.I.M.Y.M.?

There are many smart people out there, and all of them watch HIMYM. I am not going to explain the acronymm now, because that's one of the questions. Maybe you'll find out by the end of the quiz, or maybe you already know. If so, good for you!

HIMYM is one of my favourite shows, so dissing it will result in murder. Nah, I'm just kiddin'...or am I? You can never tell with me...or can you? Okay I'm just blabbering now, so I'll say just a few more words...Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! That is all.

Created by: Daphne
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. First off, do you even know what HIMYM stands for?
  2. Who is the 'I' in HIMYM?
  3. What's the Lemon/Barney's Law?
  4. What's the Olive Theory?
  5. What is a Tootsie Roll, based on what you may or may not know about HIMYM?
  6. How did the HIMYM Slap Bet come to be?
  7. How many steps are there in the Platinum Rule?
  8. According to Barney, how long does it take for a woman to decide if she'll do someone?
  9. What's a GCWOK?
  10. What was the name of the episode where Robin became a Woo Girl?
  11. Who's the oldest?
  12. What the Minnesotian Canadian stereotype?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know H.I.M.Y.M.?