Chicken nuggets

There are many smart people and people how watch the news a lot but if you don't watch the news then see if you can try to work out the answers to the questions

Do you watch the news a lot if you do this should be a Donal for you if you don't then well you should but with this new quiz you will find out what has gone in the world

Created by: Nathan
  1. What has happened in Finon on the A24?
  2. How many sugars should you have in a day
  3. What presenter has been suspended off of top gear
  4. Where was the last truck fest
  5. What moths of the year has the most rainfall
  6. Who sings bad blood
  7. How old would David Cameron be if he was born on a leap year ( he is 48 now )
  8. If I had £1,000 and I bought a lottery ticket for £4 I bought a bike for £996 how much money do I have left
  9. How sings all of me
  10. How sings sugar

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