How Well Do You Know Computers?

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who would have such a great talent i do because i first in my family knew abot this ol computer so i decided why not make a quiz so anyone i say anyone can try!

This is a awesome quiz so since i started it i also had this hardcore science fair it about lead found in candy and it was found in juices to which makes it wierd.

Created by: Tony
  1. What Is The Oldest Computer
  2. What Is The Middle Aged Computer
  3. What Do Trojans do
  4. What Is The Highest Computer
  5. What Computer Do I Use
  6. What Is Google
  7. In My School Do I Have my 100.0% Points
  8. Is My Teacher Nice
  9. What Is Windows 8
  10. What Uses A Floppy Disk

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Computers?