How well Do you know Arrow?

Ah, Arrow. The best show on TV next to The Flash. So, how well do you know Arrow? That is why you clicked here obviously. Come on and find out people!

Take this quiz to see how well you truly know the show "Arrow" on the CW. Best of luck to you, and don't fail this test! Or I will hunt you down, because I am the Arrow!

Created by: The Arrow
  1. Who is the Arrow?
  2. Where was Oliver for most of the 5 years he was missing?
  3. What used to be the Arrows name?
  4. Who is Arsenal
  5. Who is the current Canary?
  6. Who was the Canary?
  7. Who was Roy dating?
  8. Who was the main villain in season 1?
  9. Season 2?
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Arrow?