How smart are u

Many claim to be smart now put that to the test. Want to prove your smart to all your friends well you came to the right place. Maybe your bored and need something to do well this will take u to the deepest level of thoughts ever.

This quiz will help you and your friends decied if you are smart so go ahead if you can pass my quiz your a true GENIUS so go ahead try it. I highly doubt u'll fail.

Created by: Rebecca
  1. How many n's are in this sentence (mmmmmmmnmmmmmmmnmmmmmnmm)
  2. How many seconds are in a hour.
  3. WHat gender is smarter
  4. Okay a cowboy got into town on tuesday stayed a week and left on Friday how did he do it
  5. Who was the first man on the moon
  6. Which number is bigger 1101010101010101010101010 1110010101010101010101010
  7. Which defintion fits what word A _____ is the anwser you get after sloving a problem.
  8. What was the last school or current school u are attending
  9. Who says silence I kill u on Jeff Dunaham
  10. A kid hits a kid what will the other kid do in most sicawations

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