How racist REALLY are you?

We all have different views on racism. However, most of us don't understand the concept of it. But this quiz will ask you various questions to see how you understand Racism

How do you view racism? Who are the races, and who are not, you will figure out the answer in this quiz, behold the truth NOT FOR EASILY OFFENDED PEOPLE

Created by: JV
  1. Which of these statements are racist?
  2. Which of these are races?
  3. Is it racist if I say "All Muslims are terrorists." ?
  4. What color are blacks?
  5. Is Donald Trump a racist?
  6. Are Asians smart and have small penises?
  7. Are Mexicans a race?
  8. Should Trump build a wall to avoid illegal immigration?
  9. Is the KKK racist?
  10. Was Hitler a racist?

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Quiz topic: How racist REALLY am I?