how popular are you

This quiz is to express how you feel and look to your self! You take this quiz to understand your popularity. But please when taking this test be honest for real results

This quiz is not completely accurate but it does speak the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the you you see so love it it ill the end.

Created by: Dra'noscha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How do you spend your weekends?
  2. How do u and your friends operate
  3. At lunch how many of you're friends sit with u
  4. What kinds of shows do you whatch
  5. Do u ever feel lonely
  6. Do u have social media. If yes how many online followers do u have.
  7. What word describes you
  8. What kind of phone do u have
  9. What music are you
  10. What color is your life

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Quiz topic: How popular am I