How "ninja" are you?

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There are many ninja people, but few true ninjas. Ninja is, afterall, quite awsome. Do you think you are ninja material? You'll find out if you take this quiz.

Are YOU a ninja? Do you have the power to qualify for that Epic title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out if you are or not!

Created by: murrff

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Would you rather...
  2. What name do you like better?
  3. Do you like ninjas?
  4. How would you kill a turtle?
  5. What's your favorite drink?
  6. How often do you sleep?
  7. Do you like the name Destinee?
  8. Are you single?
  9. Do you like pizza?
  10. If a giant Birrel(a bird and a squirrel mixed) came of nowhere, would you be scared?

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Quiz topic: How "ninja" am I?