How Much Of Jersey Do You Really Know?

Hello everyone! This quiz it to see how much of jersey, mostly south, you really know about! There are many different results you can get and rating go though 0-100.

So how much do you really know?? Find out just by taking this short quiz all the way to the end to get your result!! We can find out how much you really know about jersey! Have fun!!

Created by: abbey
  1. Is Trenton considered south Jersey?
  2. What is the most famous cheese steak?
  3. Is it a sub or a hoagie?
  4. Is jersey on the coast?
  5. What is the capital?
  6. What does it look like?
  7. Was it one of the 13 colonies.
  8. What's the streets in monopoly named after?
  9. What is the gambling city?
  10. What are the boardwalk cities?
  11. What is the concert city?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of Jersey do I Really Know? You can find more quizzes like this one in our New Jersey Quiz category.