How Much Of A Golotripa Are You?

Ever wondered how much of a golotripa you are? Probably not but you could be surprised at what score you get and if you dont know what a golotripa is then that gives you another reason to take the quiz you will find out at the end.

Now its time to find out how much of a golotripa you really are take this quiz and find out! Try and have fun even if you dont really care. This quiz could tell you something you didnt know before! Might as well try it! =D

Created by: Bryson
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you know what a golotripa is?
  2. If a person fell and hurt themself would you...
  3. Would people describe you as mean?
  4. Do you like hurting people and making them feel bad?
  5. Think you know what a golotripa is now?
  6. Have you ever smoked before?
  7. What kind of person do you think you are?
  8. What do you think of this quiz?
  9. What is life to you?
  10. Do you think purple grapes are better then green grapes?
  11. Now what do you think golotripa means?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of A Golotripa am I?