how much of a girl are you

there are people in this world that are truely girly, but some people dont try as hard and get whatever score they may get. when they get out in the community you either fit in or you dont.

ARE YOU girlier than your friends? have you ever wondered how girly you may be? well take this test and find out. the results may differ between each person enjoy!

Created by: dena
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like the color pink
  2. how many times a week do you curl or leave your hair down
  3. do you like to wear dresses?
  4. what type of shoes do you wear.
  5. what type of music do you listen to
  6. what color of hair do you have
  7. have you ever colored your hair and what color if you have.
  8. what type of clothes are you wearing now?
  9. do you ever wear low cut shirts
  10. has a boy ever called you hot, babe, or asked you out
  11. have you ever had a boyfriend before
  12. what smiley face do you like the best?

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Quiz topic: How much of a girl am I