Just a little quiz

How much do you know about dogs? Take this little quiz and see what you know? You may just be surprised on how much you know, and maybe surprised on how little you know.

Take the quiz and show your dog that you are the true pack leader! Even if you don't do so well, your dog will still love you anyways. Just don't tell them your score!

Created by: Flash Cooper of Flash the Coonhound Pyrenees
(your link here more info)
  1. How long have dogs and humans shared a close relationship?
  2. Which canid did domestic dogs descend from?
  3. It's said the dogs can tell time, but which do they use?
  4. What's the smallest breed of dog?
  5. What's the tallest breed of dog?
  6. What breed of dog was Toto that played the dog in the 1939 movie "The Wizard of Oz"?
  7. What foods can be harmful to your dog?
  8. What is a dog's most powerful sense?
  9. According to the American Kennel Club, what is the most popular dog breed found in the USA?
  10. Like most mammals, dogs have color vision which is similar to red-green color blindness in humans.

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