How much of a fart are you ?

Now we probably all fart sometimes, but some people do it alot. A fart, does smell absolutely gross 😝 you know. It really does smell terrible and I can't stand it.

Are you a fart? Do you fart so badly that the people in the room suffocate ? Well, once you take this test you will find out how f****** smelly you are. Enjoy the test !

Created by: Alfie Harris

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often do you fart ?
  2. When was the last time you farted?
  3. How long does it last for when you fart ?
  4. Do you stay in a room where people fart ?
  5. Do you like farts ?
  6. How many people that you see every day, fart everyday?
  7. Has anyone ever called you a fart ?
  8. Do you think you are a fart ?
  9. Rate this quiz out of three. If you give me a high score, I'll give you a lower percentage
  10. What do you think you'll get ?

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Quiz topic: How much of a fart am I ?