How Gasey Are you?

We all do why keep sweeping it under the rug????? Gas it a normal part of life...just more for some people than others. Get ready to discuss frequency, smell, embarrassing situations and your farting reputation!

Take this quiz to find out how you and your gas habits rank! Are you highly gasey or a gas-a-phobic? Are you farting while you read this or can't you remember the last time you let one go?

Created by: hugsley
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you feel a rumbly in your tumbly-how do you handle this?
  2. Equate your average fart to the following sounds...
  3. Your gassiest time of the day occurs
  4. When it comes to your gas, your friends and family typically
  5. When it comes to smell, you
  6. How farts do you release a day?
  7. When there is some gas on deck and you drop a quarter on the ground, do you
  8. How much do you enjoy having others know you are passing gas?
  9. When other people fart, you respond by
  10. How do you feel about the mantra "Beans, beans, the magical fruit..."

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Quiz topic: How Gasey am I?