how much do you know about food

There are many smart people, but a few true geniuses. Genius is, afterall,quite exceptional. What is a genius?Agenius is asomeone who has an extraordinarily clever mind.

Are YOU a genius? Do you have the guts to perform an amazing quiz high score?The highest score is 10 out of 10 be unique be a monster also be proud of yourself

Created by: mj cool
  1. how was the first tart made ?
  2. who was the first people to make chocolate
  3. who were the first people to have sweets
  4. what was the first food ever invented
  5. how long does a chicken cook for
  6. true or false you cook a turkey for at least 90 minuets
  7. what is the most popular food in the USA
  8. how fast should a person eat
  9. how rude are you eating
  10. how do you chew

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about food