How is my favorite youtuber can u guess

You will have to guess my favorite youtuber. Yes I watch all of them though

I will give hint about the youtuber. The first person who gets it right I will go on all of there quizzes and give them the most amount of stars and I will vote on there polls.

Created by: HelenaGirl
  1. Hint one It is a female
  2. She has a boyfriend
  3. She haves highlights
  4. She is in her 20's
  5. She is 5'6
  6. She has a dog
  7. She is thin
  8. She has more than a million subs.
  9. She has dark eyes
  10. Has long hair
  11. She makes blogs
  12. Makes life hacks
  13. This is the only question that matters. Who is it

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