How hot are you

There are many pretty people but hot is a very high level of pretty I mean it is you mite think you are but are you really hot maybe take this quiz you no you want to

Sooooooo are you really hot like me take it to find out if your early upset them don't take it rember if this puts you down then have more confidence

Created by: Kate

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How pretty do you think you are
  2. What do you usually wear
  3. Where do you live if you
  4. Do guys talk to you
  5. What shoes do you wear
  6. What are your best features
  7. Do you go to clubs
  8. Have you had a boyfriend
  9. Have you had you know s*x
  10. Have you had your first kiss

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Quiz topic: How hot am I