65c186 ASM Quiz!

Hah, there are a lot of ASM Coders. I'm pretty sure you are wondering how they know so much they code god-like bosses without a simple sprite template, with animation and the property byte already in. But all have 1 thing in common: They all started of as noobs. Don't worry if you have trouble with ASM.

Can you handle this quiz? I'm pretty sure you can, this is only level 1. If you can, good for you! As for the noobs, just try your best. I made the answers sound kinda serious to trick you.

Created by: Delu

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What does LDA do?
  2. What does CMY do?
  3. Getting harder now :) In a sprite's code, what does the following code do? LDA $00 STA $0300,y LDA $01 STA $0301,y
  4. In a sprite's code, what would this code do? LDA #$24 STA $0302,y LDA #$86 ORA $64 STA $0303,y
  5. Does a generator have graphics?
  6. What is the routine for Mario/Sprite contact?
  7. What value do you load to the sprite's status table if you want it to erase itself?
  8. In the Generator Code below, what line is the error on? dcb "INIT" LDA #$02 STA $19 RTL dcb "MAIN" STZ $0DBF RTL
  9. In the block code below, what line is the error on? (This time, they wont say what the error is.) LDA $19 CMP $#02 BCC CoinBonus RTL CoinBonus: LDA #50 STA $13CC RTL
  10. What does PHX do?

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