How Geek are you?

The world is full of people. there are dumb people, smart people, nerds and geeks. some people think that nerds and geeks are the same but i think different. if you seem to know everything about computers and games, you could be either. nerds usallly don't do much but they like games and are really smart. the people who are just smart think they are the best. they are wrong.

if you get over 60% on this you might be a geek, or you might just be a dumb person who looks all of the answers. they are just making themselves really, really stupid. they should have better stuff to do then cheat on a test for geeks

Created by: Jim Ronlylds
  1. How many Warcraft games are there?
  2. What is Arthas's job in the begining of the human campaign in Warcraft3?
  3. What job is the main character in the Night Elf campaign in Warcraft3:frozen throne?
  4. What buttons to you press,on a keyboard,to make a smilie face?
  5. How many doctors from Doctor Who are there?
  6. What do you do to put a file on a disc?
  7. What does a Kolbold Vermin say when you attack it in WOW?
  8. What does WOW stand for?
  9. Was this interesting?
  10. Who is Allen?

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Quiz topic: How Geek am I?