how geeky are you

There are only a few geeks out ther in this world so take this quiz and try to become a geek so we don't go instinct. Then tere won't be anyone to teach the dumb people how to learn stuff that we know and they don't.

Are you a geek cause i am? Do you have the type of brain to qualify for that something title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this AWSOME quiz, in just a few moments YOU will find out!

Created by: sabrina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you wear glasses?
  2. are you like Steve Earcl
  3. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  4. do you have all A's in every subject?
  5. do you wear tights?
  6. do you hve a crush?
  7. do you cut school?
  8. have you ever kissed someone?
  9. will you rate me?
  10. will this quiz help?

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Quiz topic: How geeky am I