how dumb are you?

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There are dumb people. Dumb people are people who don't think right, do dumb things. And don't think at all! Smart people are the people who you should be hanging out with. Dumb people may make life very hard for you and your family. Or easy. You never no. Unless you hangout with one. Just don't get a hangover with one.

Are you dumb, or you think you are, well take this wonderful quiz, to find out! Open to smart and dumb people all over the world. 24 hours 7 days a week. And this quiz is 100% free! So take it today. And see if you are dumb or not!!!

Created by: Brittany
  1. what is 11*6?
  2. You have 45 apples, and 2 have worms, and you no the apples have worms, so you ate them. Was that smart of you?
  3. Do you kiss walls?
  4. How old are you?
  5. Clowns are
  6. If you walk up to a sale, and a person said it would be $3, and you said you olny got $5, what would you do? And there is no change.
  7. You go to the teen hut chat room, and you said you where gay to alot of straight people, was that smart of you?
  8. You kiss a frog, it change into
  9. Smart people no
  10. What is the right word for the word ''heartless''

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Quiz topic: How dumb am I?