Hogwarts Sorting Quiz

Will you be mistrusted and sly but cunning? Will you be proud and smart as week as schooly? Will you be kind and loyal? Will you be bold and brave as well as a teem player?

Do you have the brain power for this quiz? Do you truly want to find your house? Will you regret if you get a curtain house? Will you pride you self on being sorted into a certain house? If so talk this quiz.

Created by: charmq
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I prefer to ride in a...
  2. My dream job is...
  3. I have a good sense of creativity
  4. I like the woods
  5. Heads or tails
  6. Black or White
  7. wire or string
  8. river or stream
  9. move or dvd
  10. Me or You

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