Highly Accurate Sorting Hat Quiz

Are you Gryffindor? or Ravenclaw? perhaps you are Hufflepuff? or are you Slytherin? This quick 10-question Sorting Quiz will tell you where you ought to be!

If you want more questions, then reach out to me in the comments! If its bad, then still tell me with your very own suggestions! I really hope you enjoyed it!

Created by: Wizard
  1. A friend of yours is being bullied, how would you help?
  2. You know a friend in your class is cheating! How do you react?
  3. You and your friends find a potion that will grant you power. What do you do with it?
  4. A friend of yours wants to play a mean prank on a muggle 4th year. How do you respond?
  5. What would you do if you had an Invisibility cloak and the Marauders map?
  6. What kind of adventure would you enjoy the most?
  7. In your free time at Hogwarts, where would you most likely be found?
  8. What is your favorite class?
  9. What house do you want to be in?
  10. Finally, What do you want to be Remembered as?

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