The Hogwarts Sorting Quiz

Welcome to Hogwarts! All first-years should wait here until their name is called, in which they should sit on this school and be sorted by our charming Sorting Hat.

Whether you are in Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff, you are certain to have a marvelous experience in Hogwarts! Are you ready to begin your journey?

Created by: not a pumpkin
  1. Basic Question: Which of the following traits do you value the most?
  2. Basic Question: Not having which of the following would hurt you the most?
  3. Basic Question: Which House do you think that most of your family would be in?
  4. Basic Question: Which of the following Houses would be your SECOND option?
  5. Slightly More Interesting Question: After taking a credible personality test, what would you do?
  6. Slightly More Interesting Question: Oh no! It’s your best friend’s birthday today, and you completely forgot. What do you do?
  7. Slightly More Interesting Question: You find out that your friend is slandering your name/reputation behind your back. What do you do?
  8. Slightly More Interesting Question: Someone challenges you in an arm-wrestling competition. You lose. How do you react?
  9. Slightly More Interesting Question: On average, how many books do you read a year? (nonfiction and fiction books included; comic strips are NOT included)
  10. Slightly More Interesting Question: Someone hands you a nerf gun. What do you do with it?
  11. Chaotic Question: Which one of the following do you identify with the most?
  12. Chaotic Question: Which one of the following do you identify with the most?
  13. Chaotic Statement: Ouch.
  14. Chaotic Question: Pumpkins?

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