Hatena RP quiz by Yunastar

Can you manage an Hatena RP out of control?Now,you can try to!You'll see a bunch of random situations where you'll have to pick the best answer!You'll see some unexpected stuff too!Do you accept the challenge?

Can you deal with a RP out of control?Do you think you've seen it all?Now is your chance to see if you can!...You'll se some stuff that came into my mind...Do you accept this challenge?...

Created by: Yuna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hello!Welcome to the Hatena RP quiz!First of all...What does RP stand for?
  2. Be honest now,did you pick Re-Post?
  3. If you did,you're wrong but...don't go back and change it!You made the same mistake as me!
  4. Now!,Into the Roleplay!(You'll be presented with various situations.Eheheheheheheee!)
  5. *You see a highschooler dressed in a frog costume* You...
  6. A tall blonde guy walks by you...He says: ''Hello My Name's Youta what's yours?''
  7. I need a pencil.Gimme yours!
  8. Do you think I'm too hyper/annoying?(WILL NOT AFFECT RESULT)
  9. Random person:*Stares at you* You...
  10. Do you want this quiz to continue?To ''enjoy'' my randomness?
  11. This is almost over...
  12. Why is the sky blue?
  13. What would you do with these ingredients:Water,Shampoo,a spoon,a cloud,your cell phone and flour?
  14. Brown hair,green eyes!Who is it?
  15. Last question!Pick a number!

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