GTA quiz awsome

many people think they are the best at GTA IV but this is the real teat for people like tow or that so take it now or never know thw awnser peopl.NOW.

so you are going to take this quiz well choose wisley it mite be kind of trickey for some people that are not masters you should know that by choose wiseley.

Created by: wizzy willy
  1. what is the main chacter name
  2. who is niko cousin
  3. who does roman like
  4. what is the game rated
  5. how many garnades could you have(max)
  6. what is niko real name
  7. could you die in the game
  8. where is niko from
  9. how did niko get to liberty city
  10. what is the fast food restaunt
  11. how many kids do roman have
  12. what gender is roman child
  13. what are roman and niko
  14. what is the chicken place
  15. what is the island with the statue
  16. what is the tv show that shows rich people
  17. how many stars could you get
  18. where do you get busted
  19. who got here first to liberty city
  20. what is the dating website

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