Get a Life Quiz

I've noticed recently that almost everyone has some sort of profile or email addres. In addition to that, I've noticed that several of todays younger adults and teens actually LIVE through their computers, and have very little experience with real world sitations. I decided that making a quiz to help determine just how computer dependant was would be fun, and maybe help people realize just how much they use a computer.

Computers are everywhere, and no one should deny that they have gone a long way to improving our lives. The question is, when do we as users of the computer cross an unhealthy line? Are they really helping us, or hurting our ability to socialize and deal with everyday life? Take this test and answer honestly, you may surprise yourself.

Created by: Joe
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many days a week do you use a computer for personal use?
  2. How many email accounts do you have?
  3. Where do you get most of your news information?
  4. Where do you get/listen to music?
  5. Where was the most important conversation you recently had held?
  6. When you last made plans you made them...
  7. Think of 5 people NOT in your family that you know. When is the last time you saw any of their faces?
  8. If you have a Myspace, how often do your change you "Display Name"?
  9. How often do you solicit conversation over the internet through email or messaging--yes this includes requesting picture comments.
  10. Have you ever dated someone that you met online?

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