General Inteligence Test

Tired of taking IQ tests and scoring poorly? Well here's a test with a variety of subject matter, and none of those stupid pattern tests. There is some World History, American History, a bit of Literature,a Geography question or two, maybe a Social Studies one,a little Mythology, and some Pop Culture. So enjoy.

Are you up on your Pop Culture? Good at History? Let's see just how smart you really are. Take this quiz to pit your brain against mine, and we'll see.

Created by: Rockfarmer

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Which Norse God shares the ability to change sexes and shapes with Odin?
  2. The first Calendar was created by what ancient civilization?
  3. Bram Stoker's novel Dracula was loosely based on Vlad Teppish. Did Mary Shelley base Frankenstein on a real person?
  4. Ice Cream was introduced (en mass)to the United States by what group of immigrants?
  5. Who was the first artist or group to have a "Rock-n-Roll" hit on the Billboard charts? Hint- It was in Aprl 1953.
  6. What Dutch painternever sold a single painting until after his death, & actually gave his works in exchange for rent and food?
  7. The Oracle of Delphi was most likely made to inhale what to promote her visions?
  8. Who was the first Black woman to win an Oscar?
  9. What does the Triumphal Arch in Rome memorialize?
  10. The word Buccaneer arrived from the French word Boucan, meaning smokehouse.
  11. The Monkeys made a movie, Head, an obvious flop. However, the money from this film financed the making of another iconic one, which symbolized the 60's Hippie era. What move is it?
  12. Fred Astair was originally cast as the Tin Man in The Wizard Of Oz, but was hospitalized for 2 weeks due to an allergic reaction to the aluminum powder in the make-up, & lost the role.
  13. St. Anthony's Fire, a type of mold found on certain mushrooms, was known in the Middle Ages to make people go berserk, hence the Viking Berserkers. This mold was rediscovered in the mid 20th century and used as a weapon by the CIA, and by doctors to comba
  14. Who was the ONLY King of England to stand above 6 foot tall?
  15. The Incas lived in what South American nation?
  16. In the first half of the 20th century, what was the top Caribbean vacation spot for Americans?
  17. The Holy Grail is to Chrstianity as the ___________________ is to Judaism.
  18. Who is the ONLY person EVER to be tried for murdering someone with a wodden bucket?
  19. What son of a country music legend died the same day as country music legend Johnny Cash?
  20. Aerosmith recorded a cover of a Charles Manson song.
  21. The one Barbarian tribe to completely vanish. Their only legacy is in the annals of history. No race can claim their ancestry, nor any area has recorded them settling. Who are they?
  22. He is deemed "The man who invented the Twentieth Century".
  23. The Queen of England can directly trace her lineage to Jesus Christ.
  24. What is the Great Divide?
  25. The Europeans brought Smallpox to the Native Americans and it killed thousands. What other disease did they carry to the Polynesians that decimated them?
  26. Which of the following animals is not native to North America?
  27. What is Cryptozoology?

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