Financial Disasters

The world is in a global financial meltdown. Some are predicting an economic armageddon. How much do you know about recent financial scandals and disasters?

Test your knowledge. Your results will be scored to determine your ranking from monk to financial kingpin. Knowledge of financial mathematics is not required.

Created by: Catlover
  1. Name of hedge fund which employed two Nobel Prize winning economists and which went spectacularly bust in 1998.
  2. Barings Bank employee whose rogue trades bankrupted the 233 year old bank
  3. Amount for which Barings Bank was sold after it went bust
  4. Sub prime loans are
  5. Which of the following was BCCI (Bank of Credit and Commerce International) NOT guilty of?
  6. Which of the following was BCCI NOT guilty of
  7. Bernard Madoff is accused of defrauding investors of how much money?
  8. Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy in which year?
  9. Enron was guilty of
  10. A Ponzi scheme is

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