Don't leave me hanging part 19 | Comments

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  • yyy

  • @SimplyDawn don't fret, they'll come back :) Logan isn't exactly the type to talk, he prefers action XP as a character, I do like Logan, but I do like most of my characters X3 but I'm obviously biased

    @jjjcutie *dings a bell* and we have a Cory fan :D

  • i love you cory *kisses cory*

  • I miss Kris and Jack. They are taking backseat nowadays which i clearly hate.

    Its okay that i talk to Blake in my dream. I know it has to be Blake. But i would like to talk to Logan instead. Logan seems pretty cool.

    Cory you are very comfortable as a pillow. But i prefer Kris and Jack as my pillow. *forcefully gives the necklace to cory and shouts: Guys Cory's got a necklace from Blake* haha. How dare you kiss me? *slaps cory*

    Justin, Thanks for the food bro.

    Marisa, you won't rip me apart cuz you simply won't be able to do that. And i can't go bowling? *ditches training and goes to bowling* Try to boss around someone like Justin. Because it won't work on me.

  • @xxblutixx

    Yeah, I'm good at guessing things. That's why I'm the Queen of go-fish, rock paper scissors, and twenty questions (you know when someone thinks of something and you have to guess what they're thinking of by asking only twenty questions) Hmm, so it's not a GPS. Well then, I will see to it that I figure it out... oooh maybe it's one of those things that records conversations, or maybe it's a telepathic communicator *gasps* AND THAT'S WHY I'M HAVING WEIRD DREAMS he's putting nightmares into my head!!! Oh Blake, when I find you I'm going to kick your butt >:(

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • @Missy Prissy Cat :o closest guess I've had on the necklace so far

  • NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Justin can't think me and Cory are a couple. I don't care about getting busted I would NEVER agree to Cory's second condition EVER. Instead I would just throw the freaking necklace away because I've already figured out it's a GPS. They're tracking us through the necklace which is why it changes colour and temperature, because it's some sort of mystical locator. Yeah, I figured it out, and ya know what. I think I'm most pissed off at Blake than Logan. I have no idea why but it's true. I hate Blake more!!! I would never keep that necklace once I was out of the dungeon Logan put me in. I would throw it into the freaking storm so I wouldn't have a constant reminder of the biggest mistake of my life. Even if I didn't get rid of it then, as soon as Cory noticed it I would've opened a window and thrown the thing out as far as I could (which for me is pretty far I have a good arm) and shut the window. So Justin, if I was really there, none of that would've happened okay!!! You're the only one I'm interested in as far as couples go, you're the sweet, smart, and caring guy who's always been there for me. How the heck would I fall for a little burnout like Cory? Answer: I wouldn't, not even in a million years.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • @PurpleCherries haha, I'm following your comments backwards :P

  • My Cory is soo HOTT! Please put more of Cory in your series! x)

  • @Firey_Soul thank you :) and he kind of does in the next part, you can read about it now because I just posted part 20 :) Enjoy everyone!

  • awesome yet again, but i really miss Kris!!! can he pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeas e come out of his room in the next part?

  • @xxblutixx Ah, I know how you feel. I just LOVE to create characters too. The only problem is that I get tired of them too soon and want to create new ones... And then I get tired of them and create even more and so on. In the end I have hundreds of characters that don't fit in the story >.>

  • Holiday stuff has gotten be busy recently, so I've been off the site, but I'm trying to get part 20 out before Christmas since I'll be busy after that too :P

    @AiFiahK3mE haha glad you appreciate my bad guys ;P I have no idea why, but I really like creating them XP

  • @xxblutixx *dreamy voice* Isn't he? Though I don't know why, but I find the sadistical part in Logan pretty atractive... But I still like Quincy better ;) White-haired elves(Quincy-san) and blonde angel-elf mixes(Jacky-sama), here I come xD Sorry about all those "sama"s and "san"s, but I've been reading a lot of manga lately, and I feel like I just need to write those things... Thanks that you considerate on making Quincy appear again, it makes me really happy :D Special message to MY(:P) Jack-Jack: You don't wake up in the next part, and you'll regret that you worried me so much. I'll make you unconscious again xD

  • Thanks Fairygal ^^ I'll see if I can :)

  • This is so good! I can't wait for the next part. I hope there will be more Cory and Jack.

  • Thanks for the comments everyone!!! ^^ I didn't realize Blake and Cory were quite popular ;)

    @AiFiahK3mE hehe I like Quincy as a bad guy better than Logan; he's just so much... better XD Sure, I'll bring him up later in the series

  • Oh, and would I be asking too much if I wanted Quincy to show up again? He has only appeared in one part >.

  • @xxblutixx Thanks :D *drools* Quincy... He's my favourite villain ;) I love the white(Fine, almost white) hair and that cool personality of his :3 And as a bonus, I just LOVE elves :D

  • Cory, Jack, Kris, Justin

  • I Love Cory!!!! Can't wait for the next parts!

  • yeah Blake :) but i still like Kris and Cory

  • :D part 20 ^_^ I hope she dOes fall in love with Blake or Cory x3

    Xx 3mo_Star xX
  • Thanks for the comments ^^ lol @AiFiahK3mE and PuffBall you'll just have to see in the upcoming parts ;)

    Here are your extra descriptions as requested:

    Owen: Brown hair (gelled into messy spikes [I'd rather not compare it to this, but think Edward from Twilight]), hazel eyes, taller and a bit more muscular than Cory. A centaur heritage, works with Emilia to spy on Blake's forces. His power is to communicate with animals.

    Quincy: A commander of Blake's, is the dungeon warden and has an elvish heritage. Platinum blond, almost white, hair usually pulled back in a ponytail and light gray almost colorless eyes. Almost opposite to Logan, Quincy is always very cool, calculating, and under control, but no less confident or violent. Takes pleasure in antagonizing Logan.

  • And at AiFiahK3mE: I do hope that is blake!! I HOPE THE MAIN CHARACTER FALLS IN LUV WITH HIM ;)


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