Do you really exist?

There are many theories about are little planet. People think we are important. But some think life is just to be liven. There are illusions we just dont notice. Fear, doubt, even maybe others.

What about yourself. Are you just a bot of life. Or are you living flesh. More than just strings of energy and atoms. There is more to life than we think. We may know it all, but do we really?

Created by: gtRanger52
  1. Do you believe that the world is flat?
  2. Do you believe anything can be real?
  3. Why are things considered creepy?
  4. Have you ever found yourself going the popular way, when its not really the right way?
  5. Have you ever felt like someones looking straight through you?
  6. Have you ever wanted to know more than your suposed to know?
  7. Is everything seen the same way?
  8. Have you ever tried to cheat at life?
  9. Have you ever tried to look at something from another angle?
  10. How do you feel in different places?

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Quiz topic: Do I really exist?