Do you pay attention to details???

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Have you ever wondered if people are annoyed because you don't pay attention to details. Or do people admire you looking for good, small things in life.

Find out now with this quiz and see how much you pay attention to every little detail. Are your eyes peeled or pretty much closed. I wonder what is you.

Created by: awesome sauce
  1. Answer this: Imagine you are in a boat with nothing in it. Suddenly, your boat breaks down and you are surrounded by sharks and are in the middle of a ocean?
  2. gsak gk lyfdjkli.ukfj kxyc,jv.uikblg fcjxym,cj.vk âˆ†âˆ«µgjc
  3. What's your name?
  4. What's wrong here: hello!!!!! Im new here
  5. look closely what do you see: SMALL big long SSSSSHHHHHHOOOOOORRRRRRRTTTTTT
  6. What do you see: redorangeyellowgreenbluepurple
  7. which ice cream sounds the best
  8. how are you (this has no effect)
  9. what is this web site called
  10. hi

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Quiz topic: Do I pay attention to details???