Do You Know What I'm Thinking?

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Do you know me or not? Do you know me or not? Do you know me or not? Do you know me or not? Do you know me or not? Do you know me or not? Do you know me or not?

How well can you read my mind? How well can you read my mind? How well can you read my mind? How well can you read my mind? How well can you read my mind?

Created by: CherryBombRiots
  1. What is the song I'm listening to right now?
  2. What color is my long sleeved shirt I'm wearing?
  3. What's my favorite anime?
  4. What yaoi pairing am I thinking of right now (and it is my favorite pairing)?
  5. What is my biggest fears?
  6. What websites do I like most?
  7. What's my favorite berry?
  8. What are my two favorite countries in the world?
  9. What show is on my tv right now?
  10. What's my favorite gemstone?
  11. Do I have any siblings?
  12. Is it light or dark out for me?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know What I'm Thinking?