Discover your Demise | Comments

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  • Plague,I am very adventurous and thrill seeking alot. I also like to try to make profit on the side like off of my art work. I do have a good immune system though usually so I don't think I'd get the plague but cool quiz anyways mate lol.

  • Your Result: Zombie Outbreak

    You are the type of person who harbours a lack of resourcefulness and generally "goes with the flow". You rarely give any thought to the future, and thus would be one of the few who is ENTIRELY defenseless in the case of a zombie outbreak. To prevent this demise, I reccomend you gain proactivity and keep informed at all times.

    Lol. I like enigmatic, though. That one's hilarious!

  • Your Result: Enigmatic

    Simply put, you are the type of person who knows too much. You will probably die in one of two ways: first, and mist likely, you will vanish mysteriously, probably after having spoken your thoughts publically. The alternative includes you becoming so vastly intelligent that you scientifically prove that you do not exist, and therefore cease to do so. This is the one demise that is completely unavoidable.

    Tha nk you. Quite accurate. Take my quiz please, called Kinesis! Which Kinesis Are You? and rate and comment please. Thank you very much.

  • This quiz was pretty fun---wait, that dime is MINE---and I think you should try this quiz- The Appayipyip-style random quiz! It's fun! No really, it is.


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