Dealing with Dragons

Dealing With Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede great book! made me laugh out loud. lets see how much you know about this terrific book.

I hope you know something! maybe your just going to guess all the way through and see how good of a guesser you are! either way I hope you enjoy it!!!

Created by: Reagan
  1. did Cimorene like her princess lessons?
  2. What is the name of Prince Therandil's kingdom?
  3. Who told Cimorene that running away was the best option?
  4. How old was Cimorene when all this started happening.
  5. what was the name of the first sneezing dragon?
  6. what is the name of the second wizard Cimorene met?
  7. what is the deadly plant used to poisen king Tokoz?
  8. how many dragons went to the ford of whispering snakes?
  9. Did Kazul become the...
  10. which Dragon turned into a toad?

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