Could you survive a tornado?

Take this quiz, please.You just gotta survive! learn what it takes. i need more characters. i need more characters. i think my character might be done now.

Ah! the winds have taken over! a swirling wind thing! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! i need more characters. oh no! oh no!oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no! oh no!

Created by: geevo
  1. If you are outside with the tornado and there is a small ditch, WOULD YOU DARE TO GO IN IT?
  2. What do you do if the tornado comes and sucks up one of your family members and throws him/her on the ground?
  3. How long can you run?
  4. Are you a FAST runner?
  5. EEEK! A huge chunk of debris is flying at you!
  6. What's the best place to be during a tornado?
  7. Is is smart to have an axe/knife/something like that in a tornado?
  8. I just need a few more questions.
  9. This is the last question.
  10. Ha! I got you!

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