Could You Live in Sweden?

Can you live in Sweden? This simple quiz will decide if you are the right type of person to move to Sweden.

You are about to answer a series of questions to see how well you'd do living in Sweden. Remember that it's not an official quiz, only for fun. But I hope you will enjoy it.

Created by: Orm
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Can you wake up in the morning of the sound of church bells?
  2. Do you like it cold?
  3. Can you live in a country with pretty many Natzis?
  4. Do you pollute forests?
  5. Would you like the feeling when your in the forest that a wolf or bear can attack you any time?
  6. Does white people freak you out?
  7. Can you respect Norse Pagans?
  8. If you where black would you freak out if people where looking at you?
  9. Are you willing to learn how to say ''No swedish''?
  10. No swedish = Inge svenska... Could you survive - 10 celcius in just T-shirt and jeans for 1 hour?

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