How much do U know about Sweden

Sweden is a country in europe. Very few people know anything of sweden!!! Why is that? Try your swedish skills and get on with the quiz... have fun!!Sweden is a country in europe. Very few people know anything of sweden!!! Why is that? Try your swedish skills and get on with the quiz... have fun

the courntry Sweden is a country in europe. Very few people know anything of sweden!!! Why is that? Try your swedish skills and get on with the quiz... have fun!!Sweden is a country in europe. Very few people know anything of sweden!!! Why is that? Try your swedish skills and get on with the quiz... have fun

Created by: pontus
  1. no:1 What is swedens capital city?
  2. no:2 How big population has Sweden?
  3. Where is sweden?
  4. What sport is sweden world no:2 in?
  5. Does sweden exist?
  6. Which are Swedens 2 biggest city?
  7. What swedish band sang Its the final countdown?
  8. Which swedish city rox?
  9. blablabla?
  10. Wheres the baltic sea?

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